Trace Toxic Metals Emissions from Hazardous Waste Incinerators

by Morris Trichon, EPA, New York, NY, USA,
Joyce Feldman, EPA, New York, NY, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Environmental Engineering


A physical model is proposed in order to explain the vaporization of metals during metallic waste incineration and is based on work performed to investigate inorganic emissions from coal combustion metallic aerosols produced in sodium flames, models of liquid droplet group combustion, and particle deposition rate from impurities in fuels. It is assumed that the proposed model is valid for the following conditions: 1. Liquid waste containing metals which is spray-atomized for incineration. 2. Solid waste containing metals which have been shredded or pulverized for incineration. 3. Inorganics present in the matrix of liquid or solid waste, uniformly dispersed throughout the waste as mineral droplets.

Subject Headings: Incineration | Hazardous wastes | Waste disposal | Solid wastes | Mine wastes | Hazardous substances | Emissions

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