Tunnel Shotcreting�Strength in Fibers

by Don Rose, (M.ASCE), Consulting Engr.; San Mateo, CA,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1985, Vol. 55, Issue 12, Pg. 62-63

Document Type: Feature article


Steel fiber reinforced shotcrete (SFRS) costs less, has a lower rate of rebound and allows modern excavating equipment to advance with fewer interruptions than conventional shotcrete. SFRS has become popular in the U.S. and Canada in the last five to seven years. Conventional concrete design, equipment and laboratory tests have heavily influenced shotcrete mix design. SFRS can be made by either the dry or wet mix methods. Adding microsilica, also known as silica fume, to the reinforced shotcrete mix enhances the SFRS properties.

Subject Headings: Shotcrete | Materials processing | Fibers | Equipment and machinery | Tunnels | Steel fibers | Silica

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