Engineering with Fabric

by Rita Robison, Assoc. Ed.; Civil Engineering�ASCE, New York, NY 10017,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1985, Vol. 55, Issue 12, Pg. 52-55

Document Type: Feature article


Geotextiles are lending their strength to construction projects where conventional methods won't work. At Washington National Airport, an embankment was built into the Potomac River by first stabilizing the soft silty bottom with a fabric mat 600 � 700 ft in area that was installed in one piece. Less than a year after completion, the embankment, a runway extension, prevented an airplane from skidding into the water. Geotextiles are being used in street rehabilitation to keep water from eroding the roadbase and retard cracking. The city of New Hope, Minn. is rebuilding all streets this way. In new construction, geotextiles permit road alignments over unbuildable soils. A peat bog in Wisconsin and red clay in Georgia are examples.

Subject Headings: Geosynthetics | Streets | Highways and roads | Fabrics | Construction methods | Wetlands (fresh water) | Urban areas

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