State/Local Collaboration for Richardson Bay

by Margit Hind, San Francisco Bay Conservation &, Development Commission, San, Francisco, CA, USA,
Jeffry S. Blanchfield, San Francisco Bay Conservation &, Development Commission, San, Francisco, CA, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Coastal Zone '85


Management plans for unique and irreplaceable coastal resources are now common in coastal planning. However, plan and program implementation are still rarely achieved. All too often plans prepared by state-wide coastal agencies are not effectively implemented because an essential partner in coastal planning and regulation, local government, has not played a meaningful role in the planning process. In Richardson Bay, part of the San Francisco Bay system, a partnership was formed between the state San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission and five local governments, a county and four cities, which share planning and regulatory authority over this important natural resource. Joining together, these agencies developed a unified plan and program for the future use and management of Richardson Bay and its shoreline.

Subject Headings: Coastal management | Bays | Resource management | Local government | Coastal processes | Shoreline protection | Public private partnership

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