Endangered Wildlife of the Coastal Zone of Bangladesh

by Sohrab Uddin Sarker, Dhaka Univ, Dep of Zoology, Dhaka, Bangladesh,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Coastal Zone '85


The present work based on the observation of several years since, 1968. Study was done along the coastal zone of Bangladesh. Random exploitation, destruction of habitat, illegal hunting, human disturbances, unnecessary killing etc are important factors for declining the population of wildlife in the coastal zone. Protection of habitat, complete ban of commerical exploitation, stopping of hunting, minimise human disturbances, research and educational awarness among the people about the value of wildlife in the coastal zone of Bangladesh are most essential for their conservation and management.

Subject Headings: Wildlife | Developing countries | Coastal management | Human and behavioral factors | Aquatic habitats | Value engineering | Population projection | Bangladesh | Asia

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