The Edwards Aquifer in the San Antonio Area

by Thomas P. Fox, Edwards Underground Water District, San Antonio, TX, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Development and Management Aspects of Irrigation and Drainage Systems


The Edwards Aquifer in the San Antonio area is a highly productive groundwater system consisting of the Edwards Plateau water table aquifer and the Edwards Balcones fault zone artesian aquifer. The average annual recharge to the artesian aquifer is approximately 600,000 acre-feet. The discharge from the Edwards Aquifer is currently in balance with recharge and consists of irrigation and municipal pumping and natural spring flow. The San Antonio area is currently experiencing moderate to rapid growth with the expectation that the growth will continue into the future. The aquifer alone cannot be expected to satisfy all of these demands if the growth continues as expected.

Subject Headings: Water resources | Municipal water | Water supply | Pumps | Irrigation | Water table | Water discharge

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