REMOTS Sediment Profiling at the Field Verification Program

by Joseph D. Germano, Marine Surveys Inc, New Haven, CT, USA,
Donald C. Rhoads, Marine Surveys Inc, New Haven, CT, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Dredging and Dredged Material Disposal


Disposal of uncapped highly polluted Black Rock Harbor muds took place in April-May 1983 at a buoy located within the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Area in 62-66 feet of water. Baseline and post-disposal in-situ sediment-profile imaging (REMOTS System) was done at this site from 1982 to 1984. This remote imaging technique, combined with computer image analysis, was employed to produce high-resolution isopach maps of disposed material thickness, delimit the dispersion of disposed material, map sediment grain-size, and determine the rate of faunal colonization and downward migration of the redox potential discontinuity into the bottom. The REMOTS technique emphasizes rapid data return so that management decisions about the impacts of disposed materials can be made in an ecologically relevant time-frame.

Subject Headings: Sediment | Computer vision and image processing | Water pollution | Mapping | Field tests | Ecosystems | Dredged materials

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