Field Experience: Another Facet of Professional Development

by David T. Biggs, (A.M.ASCE), Principal; Ryan-Biggs Associate, P.C., Troy, N.Y.,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1983, Vol. 53, Issue 12, Pg. 54-55

Document Type: Feature article


Since young engineers rarely get the chance to get into the field and observe construction on site, either because of their firm's policy of not letting inexperienced people go into the field or through their own disinterest, it is vital that professional organizations, such as ASCE, sponsor field trips to construction sites, fabricating plants, suppliers and completed projects. This would not only benefit young, inexperienced engineers, but their older, more experienced colleagues, who might not be up to date on the latest techniques and projects. A secondary benefit will be the rapport that will develop between the engineering community and the plants and industries that are visited.

Subject Headings: Construction sites | Project management | Professional societies | Construction companies | Professional development | Industrial facilities | Fabrication

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