Urban Stormwater Management in Coastal Areas

by Chin Y. Kuo, (Aff.M.ASCE), Assoc. Prof.; Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Virginia Polytech. Inst., Blacksburgh, Va.,

American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY
978-0-87262-247-0 (ISBN-13) | 0-87262-247-9 (ISBN-10), 1980, Soft Cover, Pg. 436

Conference information: National Symposium on Urban Stormwater Management in Coastal Areas | Blacksburg, Virginia, United States | June 19-20, 1980

Out of Print: Not available at ASCE Bookstore.

Document Type: Book - Proceedings


The proceedings of the National Symposium on Urban Stormwater Management in Coastal Areas brings together the disciplines of urban stormwater management and ocean and coastal engineering. Flood level and frequency analysis are discussed with respect to rainfall, hurricane surge and coastal storm tide frequency estimation. Stormwater management and tidal protection measures are discussed, and attention is given to related social and legal problems. Flood emergency evacuation plans are presented. Examples of runoff simulation models are given. Attention is given to special problems and technologies associated with estuaries and tidal canals. Planning models for watershed, stormwater and surface runoff management are discussed. Considerable attention is given to coastal flooding including friction factors, hurricane surge, wave overtopping and coastal flooding of tidal estuaries. Some case studies are presented. Stormwater quality models are presented for mitigating runoff pollution, runoff quality and urban storm sewer flows. Stormwater management of lakes and detention basins is presented. Drainage and design problems for inlets and channels are addressed.

Subject Headings: Stormwater management | Tides | Runoff | Urban and regional development | Storm surges | Ocean waves | Floods


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