Water Industry Fighting EPA's Drinking Water Regulations

by Eugene E. Dallaire, Assoc. Editor; Civil Engineering Magazine, New York, NY 10017,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1978, Vol. 48, Issue 7, Pg. 74-76

Document Type: Feature article


With few exceptions, most of the nation's drinking-water utilities are strongly opposed to many provisions of EPA's proposed regulations for reducing the levels of synthetic organic chemicals in drinking water. Earlier this year EPA proposed that chloroform (a suspected human carcinogen) and other members of the trihalomethane family be reduced to a level of 100; and that all utilities serving more than 75,000 people and drawing water from chemically contaminated sources be required to install granular activated carbon treatment. The water industry, as represented by the American Water Works Association, believes there is no scientific basis for the 100 ppb level. Acccordingly, it suggests the 100 ppb level be a goal�� not a requirement. Turning to the granulated activated carbon issue, the water industry feels much more research is needed. As a first step, EPA should fund four full-scale carbon treatment facilities to get data on performance and cost.

Subject Headings: Industries | Drinking water | Water treatment | Water pollution | Water chemistry | Utilities | Laws and regulations

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