Interstate Squeezes through River Gorge

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1975, Vol. 45, Issue 6, Pg. 54-57

Document Type: Feature article


The Virgin River Gorge in northern Arizona, a designated wilderness area, now contains one of the most beautiful and spectacular segments of our Interstate Highway System. Interstate 15, snaking down the gorge, is cramped by natures strongest - a rushing mountain river on one side and sheer bedrock, canyon walls on the other side. That combination made this portion of the system one of the most difficult to construct; men and equipment at times were raised and lowered to working positions on the verticle rock walls by winching between a series of steel pins set in the cliff face. Construction techniques were such that the project was nominated to compete among a field of six for ASCE'S 1975 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award.

Subject Headings: Rivers and streams | Highways and roads | Walls | Highway and road design | Steel | Rocks | Project management

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