North Sea Oil-Water Mix

by Roney A. Heinz, (A.M.ASCE), Asst. Editor; CIVIL ENGINEERING�ASCE, New York, N.Y.,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1975, Vol. 45, Issue 4, Pg. 70-74

Document Type: Feature article


In the North Sea between Britian and Norway, giant structures are rising in one of the world's largest efforts to extract oil and gas offshore. An overview of the problems challenging the design engineers and contractors involved in this effort are presented. Included are discussions of soil surveying techniques, weather conditions, water depth, and onshore support requirements. The resulting advancements in equipment technology have been and continue to be quite spectacular. A summary of some of the major advances are indicated in the discussion of solutions formulated because of the North Sea's challenge.

Subject Headings: Soil surveys | Seas and oceans | Soil water | Soil properties | Offshore structures | Offshore platforms | Hydrographic surveys | North Sea

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